
This comprehensive online course demonstrates correct and incorrect techniques for day-to-day lifting in the workplace. Ideal for staff induction or refresher training, this course promotes safety in every department.

What you'll learn:

  • Identify the legislation that applies to moving and handling and describe the responsibilities employees and their employers have.
  • Understand the risk assessment process.
  • Understand the importance of good posture and exercise to back care.
  • Explain and use the principles of safe moving and handling.
  • Have an awareness of and be able to demonstrate some common moving and handling techniques.
  • Have an awareness of your responsibilities for ensuring good maintenance of mechanical aids in the workplace.
  • Know and demonstrate approved techniques for moving and handling common objects relevant to your work.
  • Be able to safely demonstrate the use of mechanical aids available in your workplace.

Who is this for?

New members of staff needing an induction or anyone needing refresher training.

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Interested in booking this course? Training can be scheduled on request, please get in touch to discuss your requirements by calling us on 01925 649 818 or emailing us at

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