Join us as we get to know pmConnections Leon Stewart!
July 5, 2023
What is your job role at pm Connections?
My title is ‘Health and Safety Professional’. This can include a number of varying roles. At the time of writing, I have; conducted fire risk assessments, site/area-specific risk assessments provided feedback on policies and practices and conducted several projects in the position of CDM H&S Site Manager.
What are your main responsibilities as a Health & Safety Professional?
As a Health & Safety professional, my duties can vary. Currently, I am operating as a CDM H&S Site Manager in an industrial-sized bakery.
My day-to-day duties include inducting contractors (both site-specific and CDM), appraisal of RAMS (Risk Assessment and Method Statements) and subsequent issuing and controlling of permits to works. Additionally, I oversee all aspects of H&S within any dedicated CDM area, ensuring that contractors are both safe and compliant, as well as, where required adhering to host client’s policies and procedures.
As the principal contractor, I will also operate as a ‘go-between’ for both clients and contractors, liaise daily working arrangements and oversee/conduct any investigative works in the event of an incident.
What is a typical day (or week) like at pm Connections for you?
Assuming a project begins on a Monday, I will ideally have conducted pre-project information gathering and preparation prior to this, such as appraising RAMS, creating Permits and providing inductions to prospective contractors.
I will then make my way to site, arriving ahead of any contractors and begin setting up for the day. I will ensure all are inducted into the CDM prior to entering, issue any permits and highlight any relevant information/concerns.
Throughout the day, I will routinely converse with those under my stewardship, including both the workforce and supervisors.
Factual and relevant information will be recorded, such as compliance checks, which are then electronically stored within the ‘site diary’. I will provide regular updates to both site/project management and, where required, the pm Connections management team.
As the day progresses, I will continue to liaise with all parties, highlighting any concerns as I do. I will conduct regular visual checks of all working areas, identifying any risks and hazards accordingly. Where required I will then either formulate written methods to reduce/remove or share with the necessary parties.
Finally, I will review all works and permits prior to closing permits, completing preparatory works for the next shift.
What do you like most about your work?
My favourite part of my role is getting to meet lots of new people, often from different backgrounds. The role also requires the ability to ‘think on your feet’, which I enjoy.
What kinds of problems do you deal with?
Quite often, a plan for how a project will be carried out will vary as it encounters ‘on-site’ issues such as logistics/workforce availability or other factors such as nearby works by the client. These all call for an understanding of the regulations that we are bound by – as well as a need to explore options within them. The role requires adaptability and resilience as, at times, changes in the scope of work to be completed occur. I personally thrive in this type of environment and enjoy adapting to meet our client’s needs.
What kinds of decisions do you make?
As the H&S Site Manager, the responsibility is to ensure that everyone is working in a safe manner. Ultimately it is my responsibility to ascertain whether a workforce or individual is safe to do this. Where they’re not, I have to decide (in line with CDM Regulations) whether they are safe to be in the working area/on-site. Other decisions include assessing the day-to-day suitability of the CDM (location etc.), the level of access available to others and whether contractors are fully competent and adhering to site/client rules.
How did you become interested in this field?
Previously, I had worked in another industry where I had observed regular H&S auditors/inspectors and Fire Safety auditors/inspectors carry out their duties. I was interested in improving practices for my own team and colleagues, as well as enjoying the mentorship aspect of being an unofficial H&S advisor. As an added bonus, I found that I was able to interpret legislation quite well and find ways of implementing these into daily practices.
How did you begin your career?
As per above, I was working in another industry when I was asked to undertake the fire risk assessments for them and undertake all elements of fire safety. This then ‘snowballed’ into completing them for the wider organisation and acting as a health and safety point of contact without any formal qualifications. I then sought a formal H&S position and sourced the relevant training/qualifications.
What skills, abilities, and personal attributes are essential to success in your job/this field?
Confidence and the ability to manage people (effectively communicate with them) is vital to success in this field. There are a lot of things that can/do go wrong in what can be a highly pressurised environment, so the ability to remain calm and practicable is also important. As expected, there is an academic level that is required to, but this is equally as important as the ability to use ‘common sense’. A willingness to ask questions of more experienced colleagues is also some help!
What is the strangest request, hardest job, funniest moment, or most satisfying job you have had or worked on at pm Connections?
Conducting the investigation on a recent and significant incident was hugely satisfying. Considering the financial costs involved, it was a huge confidence boost to see that an incident investigation that I had completed was distributed amongst stakeholders was a sign that I am competent in that particular area and was very satisfying.
What hobbies / interests do you enjoy outside work?
I like boxing and football; I play a bit, but not as much as I used to. I also like to read and have a new book every week/10 days or so.